The Role of Robotics in Modern Construction: Pros & Cons for Construction Workers

The Role of Robotics in Modern Construction: Pros & Cons for Construction WorkersThe construction industry is undergoing a transformative shift with the integration of robotics, a development that’s poised to revolutionize how projects are executed. From enhancing efficiency to reshaping job roles, the impact of robotics in construction is profound and multifaceted. In this blog post, well delve into how robotics is being incorporated into construction sites and the significant changes it brings to the industry and its workers.

The Emergence of Robotics in Construction

Robotics technology has made substantial inroads into various industries, and construction is no exception. The adoption of robotics in construction is driven by the need to improve productivity, enhance safety, and address labour shortages. These robotic systems range from autonomous machinery for heavy lifting to precision robots for intricate tasks, all contributing to a more efficient construction process.

Types of Robotics in Construction

  1. Autonomous Heavy Equipment
    Bulldozers and Excavators: Bulldozers and Excavators: Autonomous bulldozers and excavators are equipped with GPS, sensors, and AI to perform tasks such as digging and grading with minimal human intervention. These machines can work tirelessly and with high precision, reducing the time and cost associated with manual operation.
  2. Drones
    Surveying and Inspection: Drones are increasingly used for surveying large construction sites, capturing aerial images, and creating detailed 3D maps. They are also essential for inspecting hard-to-reach areas, ensuring safety and reducing the need for manual inspections.
  3. Bricklaying Robots
    SAM (Semi-Automated Mason): SAM can lay bricks at a much faster rate than human workers. It can handle repetitive tasks with high accuracy, allowing human workers to focus on more complex aspects of construction.
  4. Concrete Robots
    3D Concrete Printing: These robots can print entire structures layer by layer, offering unparalleled design flexibility and reducing material waste. This technology is especially useful for creating complex shapes and bespoke designs that would be challenging to achieve with traditional methods.
  5. Robotic Arms
    Precision Tasks: Robotic arms are employed for tasks requiring high precision, such as welding, painting, and assembly. They ensure consistency and quality, reducing errors and rework.

Pros for Construction Workers

The integration of robotics in construction is enhancing job opportunities for construction workers, reshaping roles, and creating new career paths while transforming traditional tasks.

  1. Enhanced Safety and Efficiency
    Robots can take over dangerous and physically demanding tasks, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and injuries on construction sites. This shift not only enhances worker safety but also improves overall site efficiency.
  2. Skill Development
    As robots take on more routine tasks, construction workers are required to develop new skills to operate, program, and maintain these advanced machines. This shift is fostering a new breed of construction professionals who are adept at both manual and technological aspects of the job.
  3. Job Creation
    Contrary to the fear that robots might replace human jobs, the rise of robotics is creating new employment opportunities. There is a growing demand for technicians, programmers, and engineers who specialize in robotics and automation technologies.
  4. Collaborative Work Environment
    Robots are being designed to work alongside human workers, enhancing productivity through collaboration. This human-robot partnership is enabling construction teams to complete projects faster and with greater accuracy.

Efficiency Gains

The introduction of robotics in construction is driving efficiency gains that are transforming project timelines and costs. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Increased Productivity
    Robots can operate continuously without fatigue, significantly increasing the speed of construction activities. This continuous operation is especially beneficial for projects with tight deadlines.
  2. Precision and Quality
    Robots perform tasks with a high degree of accuracy, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of errors. This precision leads to higher quality construction and less rework.
  3. Cost Savings
    By automating repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, robots help reduce labour costs and material waste. These savings can be reinvested into other aspects of the project, enhancing overall project value.
  4. Scalability
    Robotic systems can be easily scaled up or down to meet the demands of different project sizes. This flexibility allows construction firms to efficiently manage resources and adapt to changing project requirements.

Cons for Construction Workers

  1. Job Displacement Concerns
    Fear of Automation: One of the primary concerns is the potential loss of jobs due to automation. Workers may worry that robots will replace them, leading to job insecurity.
    Skill Gaps: Workers who do not have the opportunity to upskill or adapt to new technologies may find themselves at a disadvantage, facing challenges in securing employment.
  2. Training Adaptation
    Learning Curve: Adapting to new robotic technologies requires training and education, which can be time-consuming and demanding, especially for workers who are less familiar with digital tools.
    Initial Investment: Employers may need to invest in training programs, and workers might need to spend time away from their regular duties to attend these training sessions.
  3. Human Robot Interaction
    Collaboration Challenges: Integrating robots into the workforce requires effective collaboration between human workers and machines. Miscommunication or lack of coordination can lead to inefficiencies or safety issues.
    Dependence on Technology: Over-reliance on robotics could lead to potential issues if the technology fails or malfunctions, requiring workers to step in and manage situations without robotic assistance.
  4. Changing Work Dynamics
    Shift in Job Nature: The nature of construction work is changing, with more emphasis on technology and less on traditional manual labour. This shift may not appeal to all workers, particularly those who prefer hands-on construction tasks.
    Impact on Wages: While some workers may see wage increases due to higher skill requirements, others might face wage stagnation or reduction if their roles become less essential or if there is a surplus of workers with traditional skills.


The future of robotics in construction looks promising, with continuous advancements in technology paving the way for even more innovative applications. From fully automated construction sites to smart cities built with robotic precision, the possibilities are endless. As robotics technology evolves, it will continue to enhance the construction industry’s efficiency, safety, and quality, making it an integral part of modern construction practices.

By automating repetitive tasks, improving safety, and increasing efficiency, robotics is setting new standards for construction practices. As the industry continues to embrace these technological advancements, the future of construction looks brighter, more innovative, and remarkably efficient. Embracing robotics today means building a stronger, smarter, and safer tomorrow.

FBR – Specialised Recruitment for Construction, Residential, Civil Engineering, and Trades in the South East of England
Serving the South East, Home Counties, and South Coast of the UK, FBR Recruitment is dedicated to matching skilled professionals with top-tier employers. Our extensive service area includes Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Surrey, East & West Sussex, and Middlesex. Whether you are a construction contractor, a housing developer, a civil engineering contractor, an M&E project manager or a job seeker, FBR Recruitment is here to fulfil all your construction staffing needs. Contact us today for expert recruitment services — we’re here to support your success.

At FBR, we believe in more than just building construction careers; we believe in building communities and making a positive impact in the world around us. As part of our commitment to foster a culture of giving within our organisation, we are delighted to announce Abby’s Heroes as our Charity of the Year for 2024.

Abbys Heroes: A Beacon of hope for Children Battling Cancer:
Abbys Heroes originated in honour of a courageous young girl called Abby, who valiantly battled cancer from 2013. During her fight, Abby went through extensive treatment including 23 rounds of chemotherapy, 50 days of radiotherapy, as well as stem cell harvesting and surgery. But in 2014, Abby was declared in remission and resumed her education and cherished hobbies.

Sadly, the cancer resurfaced towards the end of 2014. Faced with the limitations of current research, Abby’s medical team found themselves without further viable options and she tragically passed away on the 29th of May, 2016. In response to this profound loss, the charity was established to honour her memory and support children and families in similar situations.

Founded with a mission to provide financial, practical, and emotional assistance, they have become a beacon of hope for those navigating the difficult journey of paediatric cancer.

Why Abby’s Heroes?
Choosing Abby’s Heroes as our Charity of the Year aligns with our core values of compassion, community, and making a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Opting for this smaller, local charity allows us to make a meaningful impact on raising awareness for their cause, while also enabling us to directly observe and be part of the tangible positive changes taking place within our community.

We are excited to contribute to the incredible work Abby’s Heroes does on a daily basis.

Our Commitment:
Throughout the year, FBR will commit to supporting Abby’s Heroes through various initiatives, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities. We also aim to raise awareness around the crucial role that organisations like Abby’s Heroes play in providing support to families affected by childhood cancer.

How you can get involved:
We have set up a Just Giving page with a fundraising target for the year of £2,500, we invite employees, clients, candidates and the community to join us in supporting Abby’s Heroes. Whether it’s making a donation, participating in fundraising events, or volunteering your time, every contribution makes a significant impact on the lives of children battling cancer and their families.

Stay tuned for updates on our social media channels and company newsletters to learn more about the upcoming events and initiatives. A few of these being a fire walk, abseiling the Spinnaker Tower and the New Forest Marathon.

Together, we can build a better future for these brave children and their families.

Closing thoughts:
At FBR, we are excited about the opportunity to make a positive difference through our partnership with Abby’s Heroes. By working together, we can build a legacy of compassion, support, and hope for those facing the toughest battles.

Thank you for joining us on this meaningful journey as we construct not only careers but also a brighter and more compassionate future for our community.

Here is the Just Giving link if you wish to donate and help support this incredible cause:

get down to the truth about the current job market

We’ve all been there, confused between what is fact and fiction when it comes to recruitment statistics. The truth is that the job market is fiercely competitive, and these statistics and figures change on a daily basis. 

We often hear about the negatives, how there aren’t any jobs for people and other comments. However, this isn’t the case. Many industries are struggling to recruit, this is due to the fact that they need such a high volume of workers. 

But enough about these vague notions and comments, let’s get down to the truth about the current job market and what you can do as a candidate to make the most of it.

What is the current UK employment rate?

According to statistics between the ages of 16 – 64 the current employment rate is around 75.8%. The unemployment rate is at a low of 3.8%, so where are the missing numbers? 

We have to factor in that some people are retired before the age of 64, as well as there are some who are unable to work due to health reasons. 

What is the current number of job vacancies? 

In the first three months of 2023, there were 47,000 fewer job openings than the previous quarter. It’s become a bit of a pattern, with a nine-quarter streak of falling vacancies, showing just how uncertain different industries have been. Survey respondents have cited economic pressures as a key factor in declining recruitment.

However, this isn’t a sure sign that everything is going down. After the unease last year relating to increasing interest rates and general banking uncertainty, many employers may have held back during the first quarter of the year. 

What was the growth in salary?

So, let’s break it down. From December 2022 to February 2023, there was a 5.9% increase in an employee’s overall pay, including bonuses, while regular pay growth (excluding bonuses) was 6.6%. 

The private sector saw average regular pay growth of 6.9% during the same period, compared to 5.3% for the public sector. Recently, the gap between these two sectors’ growth rates has narrowed. But that’s not all. When we factor in inflation, real growth in total and regular pay decreased in the year from December 2022 to February 2023. In fact, real total pay fell by 3.0%, which is the largest drop since 2009. 

Because of this employers and recruiters are seeing more “job hopping” than before. It is widely known that one of the ways people have increased their salary is by moving into new job roles. Use that knowledge to your own advantage. 

What does this mean for you?

While some of these numbers might not paint a particularly bright picture, we must remember that these results are only from the first quarter. This period of the year was extremely turbulent for many industries for many different reasons. 

What you can do as a potential candidate is look at these numbers and look at the opportunities you have available. Leveraging salary insights is one way you can ensure to get paid what is expected. A recruitment agent will be there to help ensure you are getting a competitive salary for your role. 

Not only can you use these figures to help benefit your income, but you can also look for ways to upskill and improve. This will make you more valuable as an employee or prospective candidate. 

There is always more to the story than meets the eye, don’t let a small snapshot of a constantly changing market affect your perception. Businesses are recruiting and they want the best talent. 

Speak to our experts today to start a conversation about your next career opportunity.

**All statistics were obtained from the Office for National Statistics and were correct at the time of writing.

no recruitment agent is the same

The aged old question we get asked as a recruitment agent, are all recruitment agents the same? Well, simply put, no. Every recruitment agent has their own area of expertise and skills. Didn’t think we were going to say that huh? We get it, our industry is extremely competitive and fierce in its approach at times. Many recruiters may indulge in what some call “trash talk”, but that’s not our style.

The thing is, no recruitment agent is the same so in order to find the best talent you need to work with one that aligns with your own ethos as well as the industry. 

But what else is there that we can debunk? Let’s look into some of the most commonly asked questions that don’t always give recruitment agencies the best reputation. We’re going to try and explain them, or at least offer insight. 

Why do recruitment agents not call back?

Straight for the kidney with that question. We have no explanation for this one, because if you ask any of our agents at FBR we always call back. 

Recruitment agents work in an office, and as everyone knows you can’t be tied to a desk all day. There are meetings, bathroom breaks, and other things that happen. But if we miss a call we always call back. That’s just common courtesy. 

Anyway moving swiftly on. 

Recruiters never recruit new talent 

This is a bit of a faux pas if you ask us. While some recruiters may headhunt previous talent from other roles they placed in the past, it isn’t always ethical to do so. 

It causes many issues for everyone involved. Now, if a past candidate comes across our table and wants a new role; that is a different story. 

The world is full of amazing people with vastly different skills and talents. As a recruitment agent part of the wonder of our industry is making those perfect placements and finding those people. 

Besides, with technology and many roles being able to be remote or hybrid, finding new talent shouldn’t be difficult.

Recruiters send all applications to the hiring manager

What people mean by this is a common misconception that recruitment agents will just pop out and advertise and then send any CV to their clients to book in an interview. 

We can tell you that is absolutely not the case, at least for our own agency. We pride ourselves on our internal vetting process, this means that we view each CV and application as well as speak with the candidates before presenting them to our clients. 

We are experts in our field, and we’ve been doing this for a long time. Sometimes you just know when a candidate is going to work out and be the right one. 

Recruiters only care about commission

This one is false. Do recruitment agencies need to earn money, yes, like everyone in the world, recruiters need to earn a living. However, we don’t just care about commissions. We are here as a guide to help candidates find the right job to suit their requirements, experience, and needs. 

FBR recruitment agents work hard to fully understand what a candidate or company is looking for. This ensures that we are able to find the right match sooner rather than later, which saves everyone time and money. 

Recruiters have access to the same roles as everyone else

Not necessarily true. The way many recruiters work is that companies approach a recruitment agent to help them find a new employee. This means that once a company has agreed to use that recruitment agent then that job is only available via that recruitment agency. 

This means that there are many roles on the market that are exclusive to recruitment agents. Not only that, but in many cases when companies reuse the same recruitment agency, recruiters can begin to prepare for any new role requests. Essentially candidates in their database would be the first to know about any new job opportunities before they hit the market. 

Recruiters only advertise jobs

Again this couldn’t be further from the truth. Recruitment agencies like FBR work to ensure that the job descriptions are accurate and well founded. We also help make sure that any and all candidates have the relevant skills, experience and qualifications before sending applications. 

But most importantly, we make sure that the role is competitive. We check that the salary is in line with expectations as well as ensuring that the candidates are going to be compensated for their own skill level. 

Recruitment agents are the guards that protect candidates and companies. We make sure that candidates are paid what they deserve as well as knowing what they are signing up for. And for companies, recruitment agents save time and money filtering through applications, and guiding companies to employing the best candidates for their company. 

Recruitment is all about people, when you work with the right ones it makes a difference. At FBR we work with construction companies to ensure that they are getting the talent they need. 

If you are looking for a new role, view our jobs board or speak to our agents today. 

Are you a company looking to recruit the best talent? Our team can help you, call our experts now.

The ultimate goal of a recruitment agency is to match the right talent with the right job

How do recruitment agencies work? A guide to the different ways recruitment agencies work, including how to match the right candidate to the right job role, fees, etc.

Recruitment agencies work in various different ways. The ultimate goal of a recruitment agency is to match the right talent with the right job role and company. Call us corporate matchmakers if you will. 

The way that recruitment agencies make their money can be different, some recruiters work on a flat fee if the candidate they sourced was selected for a role. Other recruiters take a percentage pay based on the annual salary for the role. Recruitment agencies are running a business after all, however, there are good recruitment agencies and less than ideal ones. 

It is important to speak to the recruitment agency you are looking to work with, as a candidate as well as a business. If they are not transparent in how they make money or withhold information from you; that’s a huge red flag and you should consider your options.

Ultimately finding the right recruitment agent is key to ensuring that the right talent is in the right roles. Recruiting is expensive, even if you as a business decide to do it in house. That is why working with a recruitment agency can be beneficial as we work to align your needs as a business with the best talent on the market. 

Now we understand how the basics of a recruitment agency works, what does a recruitment agency do to make this happen?

Sourcing Candidates

One of the tasks that recruitment agencies need to do is source candidates. This can be done by outreaching online to those who have set public profiles as interested/open to work. 

Additionally, we have secure databases that we are able to use to help us match current job offerings with potential candidates. This allows us to match up both the candidate’s interests and requirements with the company looking to recruit.

Advertising Job Roles

Another thing recruitment agencies do is advertise roles they are recruiting for. Recruiting new talent is time consuming and takes a lot of effort for companies. Using a recruitment agent to advertise and pre-vet candidates helps those companies as well as proves beneficial for the candidates themselves. 

Supporting both Companies and Candidates

Recruitment agencies also work to support both companies looking to recruit as well as candidates. 

It is important for us as a recruitment company to align the company we are recruiting for with the right candidates and talent. We are there to answer any questions and support candidates with interview preparation and more. 

Our team are also experts in European recruitment and are able to assist with information relating to work permits and additional qualifications.

How to Work with Us as a Candidate

There are two ways in which you as a candidate can work with us. The first way is to view our jobs board and apply for any jobs relevant to your experience and skills. This is a great way if you are actively looking for new opportunities. 

The second way you can work with us is to contact us and submit your information and be included in our database. This way our recruiters will be able to access your information should an opportunity arise that you are suited for. 

Sourcing a Recruitment Agency as a Business

If you are a business looking to work with a recruitment agency there are some things you should consider. 

The first consideration is whether your recruitment agent is an expert in your industry. Not every recruitment agency understands the nuances of specific industries and this can make it difficult to ensure the right candidate is selected. At FBR, we are experienced in recruiting for construction roles and the construction industry as a whole. We understand the importance of specific qualifications such as CSCS and NEBOSH. 

Another important consideration is how they select candidates. Some recruitment agents select candidates by waiting for a submission. This can take time and if your recruiter isn’t working hard to find the right talent, are they the best recruiter for you? 

Ultimately working with a recruitment agency should be easy and stress free for both parties. At FBR, we work with both candidates and companies to ensure that the selection process is easy and accessible. We focus on the right candidates and talent for the right company. 

FBR – Office & Construction Recruitment Services in the South East of England

We are a recruitment agency serving the South East, Home Counties & South Coast of the UK, including Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Surrey, East & West Sussex and Middlesex. Whether you are a construction contractor, housing developer, business or job-seeking candidate, contact FBR Recruitment for all construction recruitment and office staff requirements — we’ll be very happy to help you.

Email Us 023 8033 2438 Message Us Submit CV


Looking for a way to find jobs in the construction industry?

Looking for a way to find jobs in the construction industry?
The new year provides many opportunities to embark on new career paths, but what are the best ways to find jobs in the construction industry?

Every industry has its own way of working. And the construction industry is no different. There are many regulations that need to be followed as well as qualifications that are essential to uphold the industry standard.

Looking for new roles can be challenging. That’s why here at FBR we work with you to find the right role that suits you. Not only making sure that it’s a skills match, but a personality match too.

With the recruitment industry as fierce as ever, candidates are now making sure that a job does more than just pay the bills. People want to be challenged, find fulfilment and value in their careers. That’s why we work closely with both employers and candidates to make sure this happens.

Let’s look at the best ways to find jobs in the construction industry.

Find construction jobs with recruitment agents

One of the best ways to find jobs in the construction industry is to speak to recruitment agents. But not just any recruitment agency, industry specialists.

Like all industries, recruitment is no different in that it has specialisations. Specialist construction recruitment agencies, like FBR, allow for more accurate placements of candidates.

Speaking to industry experts allows you to find the right job with the right company. Not only will a construction recruitment agency be able to help you find the right role, but they have industry knowledge that can help you elevate your career. From checking the relevant qualifications and certifications, to helping guide you through the recruitment process.

Construction recruitment agents like FBR, work to ensure the industry remains at an all time high. Making sure the industry continues to grow with highly skilled candidates is a priority.

Find construction jobs online

Another way to find jobs in the construction industry is to look online. There are many job boards online for candidates to review.

A key thing to note when looking online for construction jobs is to ensure that the company is credible. Making sure that you protect yourself as a candidate when applying for jobs online is key.

Take time to research the job you are applying for, from salary, job description, requirements, as well as the company itself. This way you make sure that your expectations are aligned with the company who is recruiting.

Find construction jobs via LinkedIn

LinkedIn is fast becoming a place to find new job opportunities. The social media platform has its own jobs board where recruiters and employers can easily put out job opportunities. You can set your search parameters for location, income, experience etc. There are even newsletter sign ups which will allow you to receive notifications on new jobs within your search terms.

If you are looking for a new career, or wanting to find the right company to work for contact our construction recruitment experts. Our team works with you to find the right job that suits your needs and skills. Visit our Jobs Board now or contact us today.

Tom, Mark and Richard outside FBR new offices

Here at FBR we have added a consultant to cover office based recruitment in addition to our site based roles. With further expansion plans well under way, we have moved to a large, modern office that can accommodate this expansion over the coming couple of years.

We are on the lookout for both experienced and trainee recruiters who are looking to join an established business with big plans!
Tom, Mark and Richard at FBR new offices

FBR Construction Recruitment

On Friday Tom, along with a few clients of FBR, had the opportunity to take part in a charity golf day in support of Paul Curtis.  Paul is a very courageous man who suffered life changing injuries following a mountain bike accident in September 2016 when he broke his neck, damaged his spinal cord and was left completely paralysed from the chest down.  The aim of the golf day was to raise funds for extensive adaptions to Paul’s family home, which will enable him to spend more time with his family during his rehabilitation.

The weather was surprisingly good and apparently it could be said that the golfing was nearly on par with the Ryder Cup action.  Although we must give a moment of silence for the 4 balls lost by Tom in the whole round.

The day was a whopping success with everyone having a blast and playing a solid round. It’s days like this that give the team an opportunity to see our clients away from the office. We spend so much time speaking to them daily it’s nice to give everyone a chance to relax and enjoy an afternoon away from the site and the office.

In addition to playing the round in support of Paul, FBR donated a pair of Southampton Saints tickets to the upcoming Chelsea match, which were auctioned off raising £300 towards the cost of adapting his home.

FBR Recruitment are delighted to announce that we have agreed a 3-year sponsorship deal with Seagulls Swimming Club. Seagulls offer youth swimming, masters swimming, synchronised swimming and water polo at four leisure centres around the south. It has recently had swimmers competing at high profile national competitions, including members qualifying for Britain, England, Wales and Ireland championships and water polo players representing GB.

Seagulls Swimming Club ( was formed in 1978. The club is solely administered by volunteers and a team of dedicated coaches and assistant coaches. They operate at four venues – Two Rivers meet in Christchurch, Ferndown, New Milton and Lymington. They compete regionally across the south and nationally.

About the sponsorship Tom Flood, FBR Construction MD, says “We are delighted to be sponsoring Seagulls. We pride ourselves on supporting the health and wellbeing of the local community and we look forward to being part of the development of our future potential champions.”

David McWilliam, Seagulls Chairman, adds “As a not-for-profit organisation, we are extremely pleased to have formed a long-term partnership with a local sponsor. Our coaches and committee are always working hard to ensure continued success for the club and this sponsorship deal will only help this happen.”

Tom and all the team at FBR are thrilled to be able to support a local club that adds so much to the community!



This past Saturday the guys from FBR Recruitment had the pleasure of attending the 2018 Aviva Premiership rugby final at Twickenham. The weather couldn’t have been better.  The scene was set for a memorable game between the returning champs Exeter and the eager Saracens keen to take home the cup!  Most of all we had a fantastic group of clients with us to celebrate the day.

The day started off with everyone getting the train, getting acquainted with one another and heading to Twickenham. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, as you’d expect from a rugby final, and everyone was in good spirits.

We sat down for a spot of lunch and a refreshing drink before making our way to our seats for the match. Everyone listened to Mark Ritchie regale the group with stories of his rugby days when he was a young lad. Although I am not sure if we believe he could have given Jonny Wilkinson a run for his money, but if he says so…

Tom Flood, FBR’s Managing Director, was all smiles and looking cool in his shades on the sunny afternoon. Tom said “it was a wonderful day, and it’s nice to be able to say thank you to our clients for supporting us as a new business”

Thank you to everyone that attended the match this year and here’s to more days out like this in the future!