What questions should you ask during your interview for a construction role?
The interview process can be stressful for everyone. Knowing what questions you should ask during your interview for a construction role is key.
If you are applying for several jobs, and most people do, be sure to curate your questions to suit each role and company. However, there are some more generic questions that you can use as building blocks to create your interview question deck.
If you are wondering what questions construction companies will ask you, read more in our recent blog.
Keep reading to see what questions you should ask during your interview for a construction job role.
What would your working schedule look like?
All companies work differently and it is important to know what your working schedule would look like. Knowing what your working schedule would be will help you make an informed decision as to whether or not the role works for your own personal circumstances.
In an ever-changing world, working behaviours and patterns have shifted. More and more workers favour a flexible schedule and it’s important to know if this is possible for you.
Ask about current and upcoming projects
Ask the recruiter or hiring manager about any current projects they are working on or upcoming projects. This will give you an idea of what type of client the company has as well as shows your interest in the company.
What additional training and support is offered?
Knowing what additional training and support is available to you is essential in any role. Particularly within construction companies. There are many new tools and techniques that are introduced within the construction industry, it is important to keep up to date with the training.
It is important to make sure the company you are working for offers you training and support as this helps your career progression and grows your skills.
Is there any career progression
Ask about the potential career progression you could expect when you take on a role within a construction company. This shows you are interested in moving forwards with your career and helping grow the company in general.
Additionally, you can ask what the career progression of current employees has been. If team members are staying within the company and progressing further it’s all green flags.
Why is the position open?
If you’re feeling bold why not ask them why they are recruiting for the position you have applied for? It could be risky but in the current jobs market taking a chance and seeing why companies are recruiting could provide you with insight into the business.
Of course, there is always a right way to ask these questions, make sure you build up to the question and be tactful. No potential employer wants an interviewee to imply people don’t want to work at the company.
It’s no secret that the construction industry is a fast-paced environment, knowing what to expect of the company you are interviewing with is essential in making the right decision for you.
At FBR we work with many candidates from preparing to apply for jobs and interview preparation. If you are looking for a new role within the construction industry visit our jobs board today or contact our team of construction recruitment experts.